A picture containing waterfall chart

Description automatically generatedThe LingerLonger Café Podcast

By Don and Lyn Bennett

As our friend, Bob, says in the introduction to each conversation, Welcome to the LingerLonger podcast! Whether you found us in your own searching or someone recommended us, we are grateful that you have stopped by our "cafe" to listen in as I try to stop talking long enough for Don to answer the questions I ask about things that are on my mind.

A long time ago, while I was telling a friend something that had happened to me, he asked a question that could likely be described as the theme of my life, "Is there a point to this story?" We do hope that my ramblings and Don's knowledge take you on a journey you will enjoy or that will at least get you thinking and encourage your faith.

The idea for the podcast started over coffee one morning (thus the groggy voices and the references to the cafe.) As we were wrapping up talking, so we could get on with our day, I realized that what we had shared (well, what Don shared) was something that I thought others might find interesting, and perhaps even helpful, to consider. We both like listening to sermons and documentaries and other broadcasts that offer thoughtful perspectives about life and faith (and, for Don, anything to do with history) so we prayerfully decided to add our voices to the mix.

You can find more content at our website lingerlonger.cafe (yes, DOTcafe) but for now, we'd love for you to pull up a chair and join us.....


Episode 8: When did the corruption in Eden occur

Oct 25, 22


At some point, the malevolent entity known as Satan fell. When did this fall happen - during the ages past before the creation of man or in Genesis 3 when Adam and Eve made their choice in Eden?


Episode 7: Having fun with the Lord and devotions

Aug 27, 22


Lyn shares the joy of how her group of devotion books has become like a group of good friends as God speaks to her through their words and His. Don does get to talk a little bit (between interruptions) about reading through the Bible and about Church of the Highlands 21 Days of Prayer.


List of Lyn’s “Small Group” devotion books:

Prevail by Susie Larson

You Can Count on God by Max Lucado

Power Thoughts Devotional by Joyce Meyer

Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Jesus Always by Sarah Young



Episode 6: Reminiscing over our honeymoon

Aug 25, 22


This discussion of being led and carried by God weaves its way through several topics as reference is made to the 6am service at Church of the Highlands during 21 Days of Prayer.



At times in this and other podcasts Don & Lyn's children are mentioned so now seems a good time to introduce them (two sons and a daughter each):

Lyn's three: Carrie and twin sons Alex and Davis.

Don's three: Graham, Ria, and Barrett. All are married with children (which makes Lyn's children happy because it lets them off the hook for a while for grandchildren.)


Richard, who is also mentioned in the main LingerLonger description and in this podcast, is the young man Lyn dated in the fall of her senior year in high school. He sadly died in a plane crash in January of her senior year.



Episode 5: Too Big to Fail

Aug 23, 22


We often hear about companies, countries, and even people being too big to fail or to be brought down due to their poor decisions or corruption, but there are no absolute protections for any entity. However, even when times are bad, God is still trying to direct our paths. Let this brief discussion of Ezekiel 12 and 13 entice you to open your Bible and read more about Israel's fall from power.



Episode 4: Thoughts and Prayers - No Thanks

Aug 23, 22


Don and Lyn look to Acts 12 as they continue their conversation about prayer and how God's ways are often not our ways. Our lives are like the back of a tapestry with knots and tangled strings. If we could see the master work God is creating on the front side, it would be so surprising and likely encouraging.



Since the podcast crew (Don and Lyn) can't edit individual words or go back and insert explanations about people or things that are mentioned, they will be covered in this space called Extras. When Don uses the word "chalis" he means callous and the "Pray First" bands that are mentioned are from Church of the Highlands and are a very good reminder of Who to go to first with our problems and praise.



Episode 3: Answered and Un-Answered Prayer

Aug 22, 22


As believers, at times we have the common joyful experience of having prayers answered but also the confusing times of prayers not being answered as we expected. Listen in now to the early morning scratchy voices of Don and Lyn as they talk about prayer and how God wants to build a relationship with us as we share our needs and questions with Him.


Don mentions the name Heiser and is referring to Dr. Michael Heiser who was the lead Bible scholar at Awakening School of Theology & Ministry (where Don got his second theology degree). Though Dr Heiser has passed on to eternity, you can still benefit and learn from him at drmsh.com



Episode 2: The 10-40 Window

Aug 13, 22


Join Don and Lyn (and the cicadas) on their porch as they discuss the 10/40 Window. It is the rectangular area of North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia approximately between 10 degrees north and 40 degrees north latitude. In this part of the Earth is where Christianity had her start. It is now where Christianity has her biggest struggles and, curiously, her largest growth.


Many times during these early podcasts, people and places are mentioned but not explained. Hopefully that will get better over time. "Highlands" is Church of the Highlands which is a multi-campus church based in Birmingham, AL. You will find many great sermons and resources at churchofthehighlands.com.



Episode 1: Casting Our Cares

Aug 12, 22


This is the pilot LingerLonger podcast in which Don and Lyn discuss how this podcast came to be.  Please bear with the newby long pauses and distractions as they talk about Casting Our Cares on the Lord (and as they learn about producing a podcast!)